When your little one first meets our dentist, this is our opportunity for them to become familiar with the dental chair and environment. This is a critical stage as this time is used to ease children's anxieties with the idea of coming to the dentist. The main purpose of the initial examination comprises of a visual inspection of your child's teeth and gums to ensure there's nothing out of the ordinary going on.
Our dentist may encourage your child to count their teeth using the dental mirror, and use this time to assess your child's development and growth. A dental exam can identify whether there is any risk of dental decay and provides an opportunity to educate your child (and yourself) on correct brushing techniques and the importance of healthy nutrition. During the appointment, time is taken to answer any questions to help foster a caring and positive experience for your child. After your child's first visit, it's highly encouraged to maintain routine 6-monthly preventative check-ups for your child.
At Toowoomba Dental we pride ourselves in providing a gentle approach to ensure that each visit is pleasant for your child.
Toowoomba Dental accepts all eligible patients under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). The CDBS provides basic dental services to children aged between 2 and 17 years.
The total benefit entitlement is capped at $1,095 per child over a two calendar year period. The CDBS has a means test, which requires receipt of Family Tax Benefit Part A or a relevant Australian Government payment. The Child Dental Benefit Schedule provides individual benefits for a range of services including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions.
Benefits are not available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work and cannot be paid for any services provided in a hospital.
To check eligibility, please contact Centrelink or one of our friendly staff with your Medicare details.
We offer sedation options to anxious adults and children that are unable to undertake treatment in the chair. All patients are treated at Saint Andrew’s Hospital, Toowoomba, with sedation being carried out by a registered Anaesthetist.
General anaesthesia puts your body into a temporary, controlled, and closely monitored state of unconsciousness where you are fully relaxed and at ease.
It is important to remember every treatment comes with associated risks, and we recommend that you share your concerns with our knowledgeable team if you have any queries about your dental treatment.
Further details can be discussed with our friendly reception staff or dentists on (07) 4646 4236